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Saturday, 27 September 2014

Hi !

      It's been a week since I started this blog and haven't posted a single thing yet. Fantastic! slacking already. But hey! What can I do ? I'm a night owl. ( Excuses , Excuses) . So tonight I finally decided to buckle down and have a go at this.

Hi , I'm Mehreen. A 20-something desi girl living in Oman with an obsession with words and the weird. Also , a bibliophile and a hardcore feminist (Don't forget that.)

This blog is not intended to be anything journalistic or literary. These are my personal views on issues that me or women of my generation and age may be or are currently facing. Most of these may sound like rants but times are hard for women , especially in India. Despite us being well into the millennium and Indian youth trying their best to strike a balance between being cultural and progressive, women still feel unsafe and threatened in their own land. 

Since I spend more time reading than with homo sapiens , I will also be posting views and reviews too. Basically because I need somewhere to gush about my literary adventures. Also since the blog has the word 'obscure' in the title , I will mostly end up documenting poems , music and may be even photographs of all the things I love.

Here's to new beginnings!

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