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Monday, 9 March 2015

Top 5 Books I'd Save in a Fire

Feels like it's been eons since I did one of these. The minute I knew of this week's topic, I had to get to it.  The list is fairly strange for once and mostly here due to the sentimental value they hold.

5. The Help by Kathryn Stockett

I loved everything about The Help. Loved the movie as much. Each character was so poignant irrespective of what kind of role they played. I haven't really professed my love for this book as much I probably should do. Stockett has written this keeping in mind the Jackson, Mississippi accent and also doesn't shy away from switching viewpoints. The Help will make you laugh, make you cry and it will touch your heart for certain.

4. Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

I just got this book! The timing couldn't be anymore perfect. I was heading to the mall to buy this, saw the parking situation and opted to buy it the next day. Little did I know that the very next day I would receive the same as a gift! Just my luck I'd say! I've heard nothing but fabulous things about it and can't wait to get on with it!

3. A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth

The reason I'd save this in a fire because it's the biggest book I own, also something that wouldn't burn easily. I've only read it halfway through since it manages to either suffocate me because of my reading stance or requires relocation in order to pursue it without interruptions. Nonetheless, I can't say I haven't enjoyed his writing so far.

2. The Client by John Grisham

One of my very first reads that made me feel like I had evolved to better literary material. Fun fact: do you know how in 12th grade you had to get all your dues cleared in order to get your finals hall ticket? Turns out I did not returned this to my school library and surprisingly the Librarian didn't even know! Ha! I still have that book with all the library tags on them! So that deserves the 2nd position.

1. The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

How. Just how is it possible that something so simple and short could be the perfect life guide?! I neglected this for the longest time and now I even got a beautiful burgundy hard cover copy of The Prophet for my dad since he's been such a heavy endorser and promoter of it. He says that this book is based on the verses of the Holy Quran but a simplified version of it, written in a format that is relatable to anyone regardless of their beliefs or what they follow. That too something that was written in the 1920s!

What books would you save in case of fire? I'd love to know.

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